If you follow me at all on instagram, then you know by now that our family has relocated to the Pacific Northwest, namely, Spokane, WA! We have lived in California all our lives, both of us being born and raised there. A few years ago California stopped feeling like home. As conservative Christians, California had become a place where we couldn't see ourselves raising our children anymore. Not only that, but for the past eight years we'd been living with my parents in the Bay Area. We had moved in with them when I was pregnant with Cooper with the plan to live with them for 11 months, pay down debt, and then find a place. Well, we paid off all our debt, but the Bay Area was not a place we could afford, and where we had moved from (Modesto) had become a place we could also no longer afford, so we were stuck with my parents. Now don't get me wrong, we were very blessed at my parents home with help with the kids, but it was also hard not having our own space, and never really ...