Brooklynne's Big Sister Bag

I decided to make a bag of fun things as a gift from Cooper to Brooklynne for when she comes to meet him at the hospital.  I obviously don't know how she's going to do as being a big sister, or how she'll react, she seems excited though and talks to and about Cooper often.
I picked up this canvas bag from Joann's, and a little iron-on decal for the front of it (piece of junk iron-on though).

The decal had two of the same one in the package, so I bought a toddler t-shirt from Jo-Ann's as well.

I cut the neck and bottoms of the sleeves off and ironed on the decal  Again, the iron-on was junky and came off in spots, but it will work for her to wear it a couple times.

Here's everything that's in her bag.  Ive been taking pictures on my phone, and it's obvious.  I'm just too lazy to use my actual camera and then upload them...seems like so much time, haha!
There's a lot in the bag, but she'll be with my in-laws for a few days, and I wanted to give her a couple fun things to do.

1. Big Sister Bag - It's a little big, so I don't know if she'll use it, maybe we can use it for the library.

2. Movie - Little Rascals.  I don't know if she'll be interested, but I really bought this for myself.

3. Minnie Mouse Coloring set - Comes with a few pages, some markers (I think), and stickers.

4. "I'm the Big Sister" book - I picked this up at Barnes & was the cheapest of all the sibling books they had.

5. Big Sister shirt - as explained above.

6. Paintable Bird House - I got this from the dollar bin at Target, and I think she'll really enjoy it since she loves to paint.

7. Sidewalk Chalk - She loves anything artsy, so I thought some chalk would be good.

8. Smackers Chap Stick - She loves chap stick, and has never tried this...but what girl doesn't love Smacker's? I know I did. And the packaging is sparkly.

9. Sunflower Seed Kit - Also from the Target dollar bin.  She's loved planting seeds with my mom this spring already, so I thought it might be fun to have something to plant at Grandma's house.

10. Coloring Books - Again, she loves to color, and these are from my mom for her Christmas, so I didn't have to pay anything for them.

11. Minnie Mouse Socks - Again, dollar bin...she loves fancy socks.

12. Nail Polish - It's pink and sparkly and she's going to love it.


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