Cooper is 4 Months!!

I know I said this last month, but this kid is such a little love bug.  I have so much fun with him every day, and I just love to hold him.  He's been talking more and moving more.  He's starting to enjoy tummy time more and more (although I constantly forget to do it), and his hand-eye coordination is getting a bit better.  He loves his giraffe lovey, and sleeps with it every nap time.  His wake times have been getting longer, as he's starting to play more and more.  He's still napping very well, and I'm very thankful that he's able to nap almost anywhere (having one kid is SO easy compared to two,  I'm finding out).  Last weekend our daughter went up north with my parents, so we just had one kid the whole weekend, and he went everywhere with us, and it was no problem at all!!  
B's still really good with him, she's always super excited to see him in the morning and after school, it's been really fun to watch her interact with him!


birth: 6 lbs. 14 oz.
1 month: 9 lbs. (weighed at home)
2 months: 11 lbs. 4 oz. (weighed at home)
3 months: 12 lbs. 7 oz. (weighed at home)
4 months: 13 lbs. 6 oz. (weighed at home)

birth: 19 Ā¼ inches
1 month: 21 Ā¾ inches (measured at home)
2 months: 22 Ā½ inches (measured at home)
3 months: 23 Ā½ inches (measured at home)
4 months: 24 Ā½ inches (measured at home)


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