7 Months!

Cooper is 7 months old (10 days ago), and he's so much fun! He is sleeping through the night most nights, and eating really well. He has 4-5 bottles a day, and typically solids once or twice a day (depending on how busy we are). He's sitting up like a champ, and totally wants to crawl, he just can't make his arms work the right way yet. He gets up on his knees and rocks, but then falls forwards because his arms can't hold him. I'm thinking it'll be any day now.
He still loves his paci and fist, he loves to blow bubbles and thinks it's hilarious. He loves to play with his sister, and she loves to play with him (it was hair salon day yesterday). He's really enjoying the lights on the Christmas tree, and is luckily not playing with any of the ornaments. He likes to play in his exersaucer and johnny jump-up, and he loves Barley.

birth: 6 lbs. 14 oz.
1 month: 9 lbs. (weighed at home)
2 months: 11 lbs. 4 oz. (weighed at home)
3 months: 12 lbs. 7 oz. (weighed at home)
4 months: 13 lbs. 6 oz. (weighed at home)
5 months: 14 lbs. 6 oz. (weighed at home)
6 months: 15 lbs. 8 oz. (accurate weight)
7 months: 17 lbs. 1 oz. (weighed at home)

birth: 19 Ā¼ inches
1 month: 21 Ā¾ inches (measured at home)
2 months: 22 Ā½ inches (measured at home)
3 months: 23 Ā½ inches (measured at home)
4 months: 24 Ā½ inches (measured at home)
5 months: 25 inches (measured at home)
6 months: 25 Ā½ inches (accurate height)
7 months: 26 inches (measured at home)

Want to compare Cooper to Brooklynne at 7 months


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