8 Months!
Oh man, Coop-a-doop, you're getting so old! I love spending almost every day with you!
Cooper is 8 months old, and he's just the cutest ever!
He is such a fun kid, eating 2 solid meals a day, and 5-6 bottles a day. As of December 7th he was fully weaned from breast milk, he's officially a formula fed baby now, and it's been wonderful for our family!
He eats bananas, green beans, papaya, chicken, carrots, oatmeal, pears, apples, and he loves puffs and the rice husk things...especially those. I think he likes to be able to feed himself. With the puffs he tends to lose half of them, but with the husks he's able to hold onto it because it's so big.
Last week I cooked for a conference with my mom and was basically away from Cooper for 3 days, Matt had both kids the entire time so I could cook. While I was gone, Cooper started rocking more in the crawling stance. Still not crawling, but he wants to so bad!
Last week also brought something new, sleeping all the way through the night. We've now had 5 nights of full sleep for this kid, and it's been wonderful (especially last night when I went to bed at 9:30 and didn't wake up till 7)! He goes to bed between 7 and 7:30pm, and wakes up between 7 and 8:30am. I'm so thankful he's sleeping through the night!!
He still loves to eat anything in sight, and he loves to chew on his hands.
He loves my dad (Poppie), and Barley (unless Barley is stealing his food) the most, it seems.
He was a lot more curious about the donuts this month, and I'm sure next month will just be harder.
Happy 8 months, handsome dude! We love you so much!!
sorry for his lack of clothing.
birth: 6 lbs. 14 oz.
1 month: 9 lbs. (weighed at home)
2 months: 11 lbs. 4 oz. (weighed at home)
3 months: 12 lbs. 7 oz. (weighed at home)
4 months: 13 lbs. 6 oz. (weighed at home)
5 months: 14 lbs. 6 oz. (weighed at home)
6 months: 15 lbs. 8 oz. (accurate weight)
7 months: 17 lbs. 1 oz. (weighed at home)
8 months: 18 lbs (weighed at home)
birth: 19 Ā¼ inches
1 month: 21 Ā¾ inches (measured at home)
2 months: 22 Ā½ inches (measured at home)
3 months: 23 Ā½ inches (measured at home)
4 months: 24 Ā½ inches (measured at home)
5 months: 25 inches (measured at home)
6 months: 25 Ā½ inches (accurate height)
7 months: 26 inches (measured at home)
8 months: 26 Ā½ inches (measured at home)
Want to compare Cooper to Brooklynne at 8 months?
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