Fourth of July

We celebrated our nations Independence Day on the 3rd this year, and we had a blast doing it!  We drove to my parents church on Sunday morning, and then had lunch with them afterwards.  That evening we made a picnic and brought it over to the park where Calvary Temple was hosting The Singing Flag.  This was the 23rd annual Singing Flag, and it was so much fun to bring Matt to it for the first time.  We used to go to it every year when we were younger, so it was fun to show it to him, although it's definitely geared toward children.  They had fireworks at the end and Brooklynne loved them, she sat on Matt's lap and watched them the whole time.

They have each of the people who have served or are serving in the military stand when they play their branch's song.  My dad was in the NAVY, and this has always my favorite part of the entire show.

Monday morning we went to breakfast with my parents and then watched some of the Fourth of July parade in Concord.

What a blessed people we are to live in a nation where we can live how we choose, worship how and who we choose and be who we want to be.  We daily take it for granted, and I pray that we can be more of a people who realize what we have and thank the Lord for it!


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