Nass Family Reunion

In June, my family met at a camp site in Southern Oregon to go camping.   Like I said a few days ago, Krista and Jerrod are moving to Washington DC, so they're not going to be able to come to Thanksgiving.  So we all met to spend a few days together before they left.  We drove up with John and Juli, and my parents on Saturday, June 11.  The Csehs, and the Masons were already there, so we set up camp, and hung out that evening.  On Sunday we went to Julie and Jordan Lovell's church, which was so much fun.  Julie has been friends with my family since I was three, and they just got married in January and he's a pastor at their church, which happened to be less than 10 minutes from our camp site.

It was wonderful to hang out with the Lovell's!
The three girls had so much fun hanging out together, and we are so excited for B to be a little bigger so she can hang out with them at Thanksgiving.  

We went to the river, but Brooklynne doesn't look very happy about having to stay in the shade (the river was so cold).  My little Karate Kid.

Brooklynne loved all the attention she got from her aunts and uncles, and I loved being able to hang out with all my nieces and nephews!

we loved having Matt off of work for a few days!

Andrew talked to Brooklynne for 10 minutes while holding her.  He told her about his car accident, it was so precious!  Emily wanted to be near Brooklynne for a good majority of the trip.

We loved spending time with the Nass kids!

I have such an incredible family!
From left to right: Matt, me, Brooklynne, Jason, Isaac, Antonio, Bethany, Emily, Caleb, Bob, Erica, Wendy, Brianna, Krista, Jerrod, Andrew, Dylan, Juli, John, Mom, Dad

Barley did such a great job on our trip, and slept the majority of the drive home.

We had such a wonderful time, and I took way too many pictures to post, but I hope you got a little glimpse of our fantastic weekend.  We are so excited about next year!


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