Show and Tell Monday: How I Met Your Father

I'm linking up with Becky again today for her show and tell blog!

1. Tell us about how and when you met your love and what attracted you most to him.

I have known my husband since we were about 12 or 13.  My dad was the California representative for and organization called Christian Service Brigade (he retired in January), which is similar to boy scouts, except it's Christian (hence the name) and men mentoring boys oriented.  Matt was involved in it in junior high and high school. and I would go to the camps and conferences and help my mom do all the cooking. I knew who he was and always thought he was SO cute, but thought he was too good for me.  I remember bringing all the dishes to the dish room when his squad was on duty just so I could see him, he was so cute!  

In 2006, I was looking on a mutual friends MySpace (remember that?) and saw this boy I recognized on his "top 8" list.  I went on Matt's page to stalk for a little while, then sent him a message, just saying hi and to see if he remembered me.  Luckily he did, and added me as a friend and we started messaging each other back and forth.  I would send him a message in the morning when the little girl I was nannying was napping, and then he would read my message after work and school that night and message me back.  We asked each other all sorts of questions and just got to know each other really well.  I was in Southern California and he was in Northern California.  

After a month of emails we had our first date...hiking with my entire family the day after Easter (luckily my dad was not there).  We had a really great time and didn't talk a ton because we were both nervous, but oh man, we flirted a ton!  He drove me to the airport that night and asked me to be his girlfriend the next day (my first boyfriend).  We dated long distance for 10 months, then he asked me to be his wife, then we dated long distance for another 10 months, with 3 of those months being in the same city.  despite long distance being very hard and taxing on a relationship, it was all we knew of each other, and we both really desired to have it work, so it did!!

2. Show us the very first {or one of the first} pictures you guys ever took together. {Feel free to show us more than one}
This was on our second "date."  
The first wedding we went to together (Clark and Auni), also our first summer together, 2006.

This is a month after the previous photo, taken in Washington state.

3. Tell us some of your favorite memories that you two had together.

Giants Baseball game (my first major league game), our first kiss, Disneyland, visiting Yosemite together, hanging out with his family (I sometimes would visit them even if he wasn't there), and lots of other things.  Both Matt and I feel like 7 years ago is too long to remember all the fun things we did together.

4. Tell us your favorite qualities about this man, what makes him "the one."

My husband is such a hard worker, he takes his job very seriously and puts so much time and effort in to it, and we are so grateful for him and his job.
My husband is SUPER HOT, and what wife doesn't want to be extremely attracted to her husband.  I look at him every day and I am always amazed that I got to marry such an attractive man!
My husband loves his family, not just B and me, but his parents, siblings, extended family and my family as well.
My husband loves the Lord, which is such a vital part of our lives.
My husband makes me laugh and is a constant flirt...he shows me daily that he loves and is in love with me.
My husband is an excellent father.  I am daily in awe at how good he is with our baby girl.  I knew he was going to be good, but he is truly great at being a dad, and being a dad to a little girl, nonetheless.  He makes her so happy.
My husband LOVES to cuddle with me and it makes me so happy.
My husband loves me.

5. Tell us what your "date nights" typically look like.
Date night?  What's that?  We so rarely go on dates, but it's not because we have a kid, we rarely went on dates before we had a kid.  When and if we do go out, we like to just do stuff together.  I'm not a dinner and movie kind of a girl, it's just so expensive. That doesn't mean I don't like to go to dinner, I just feel bad when we eat out because it costs so much.  

I love this man I married more than I could ever explain to any one, and I try to show him daily how much I love him and how much he means to me.  I am such a blessed woman to be married to my best friend, my one love, my partner and my daughters father.  I daily feel blessed!!  


  1. Y'all are SO CUTE together...I loved reading your story. <3

  2. Your hair long looks so cute with long hair!!!!!! I want mine cut that way!! :)


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