The rest of our trip

Today, I have the honor of being featured on Becky's blog, From Mrs. to Mama.  If you don't read her blog, you probably should.  She has an adorable little girl named Eliana who she loves to blog about, and post pictures of (so cute).  She's super sweet to feature me today, go check her out!!

Click on the image to take you to the feature!!

Brooklynne and I got back from Missouri on Thursday night, and it is so great to be home!  Let me tell you about all the rest of the fun things we did.

Wednesday morning we loaded up the car and drove to Kansas City to drop Matt off at the airport.  We got to KC at about noon and got BBQ for lunch and then took Matt to the airport.  I was so sad to see him go.  Juli had play practice that night, so we left after dropping him off.

It was so nice to just hang out and not have a ton to do.  We got ice cream from the soda fountain, went on long walks, and just had a fantastic time!

From Wisconsin, my parents had driven to Maryland to visit my sister and brother in law and their two boys who just moved out there in June, so they didn't get to Missouri until Saturday morning.  We went on a walk to the Farmers Market on Saturday morning, and along with some of the things we got, we picked up a watermelon.  It was pretty heavy, so I put it on top of the stroller but I hit a big curb and it rolled off and splattered all over the ground.  We were able to salvage some of it, so it was a nice snack to have half way through our walk.

The cast of Cheaper By The Dozen
Juli was directing a play while we were there, Cheaper By The Dozen, so Mom, Dad and I got to see it on Saturday night.  Brooklynne stayed with a couple from John and Juli's church, and they were so sweet to watch her (she is pretty fun, though).  The play was fantastic, all the actors did such an incredible job under Juli's direction, and it was so much fun to watch.

On Monday we went to the lake, which was wonderful, and Brooklynne loved floating around in her new Mickey Mouse Clubhouse car floaty.  Her feet were propped up on the steering wheel, and she loved moving it around with her feet.

Brooklynne went on her first swing and had fun, but you could tell from her facial expression that she did't want to go too high.

On Tuesday we went to Hannibal, MO which is where Mark Twain grew up.  We toured his childhood home and a great museum they have there, it was fascinating!

Love her!

Mark Twain (Sam Clemmens) was a steamboat driver, so they had a horn that you could sound off, and Juli helped Brooklynne use it.  She absolutely LOVED it!!!

here's a super cute video of her ringing the bell (sorry it's so dark).

I got my hair cut on Wednesday at the local cosmetology school ($10 for hair cut and eye brow wax!!!).  I was getting sick of my longer hair and wanted to chop it off again.  Matt is L-O-V-E-ing it!

           there is NO baby in that ^ belly!

We left Missouri at six am on Thursday morning to drive to Chicago.  Once we got there, we went to the Museum of Science and Industry, which was very interesting.  Dad went and toured the U-Boat they have there, while mom and I toured the rest of the museum.  There was an awesome exhibit about pregnancy, and they showed actual fetuses at certain weeks gestation (28 days, 8 weeks, 13 weeks...up to 38 weeks).  It was very sad to see all those babies that have died, but it was so interesting to see the size of them, and what twins look like inside and when they start getting fingers (SOOOO little).  

We got to the airport at 5:30, got checked in and walked to our gate.  What a blessing gate check is, I was able to use the stroller the entire time and they checked it at the gate, and then got it right away when we got off the plane.  Our flight left Chicago at 7:30, so I nursed B while we took off and she fell asleep while eating and slept the rest of the flight.  The plane was about half full, so Dad sat behind us and I put B on the seat in between mom and me, and she just slept.  I picked her up for landing and the pacifier wasn't helping her ears enough, so I nursed her again.  She didn't cry at all the entire flight (the flight attendant said she forgot she was there) and she was super excited to see Matt, as was I!!

I am VERY happy to be home, but I miss John and Juli so much and wish they didn't live so far away.  We met many wonderful people on our trip and had such a delightful time. 


  1. Hey, I found you through your feature and I'm now a follower!

  2. thank you for your sweet comment. brooklynne is beautiful like her mama :)

  3. Hi Annalisa! I'm a friend of Jessica's and I read your feature on From Mrs to Mama. Your little girl is adorable!! Just wanted to say that I liked your feature and am a now a follower of your blog :)


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